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Odessa, TX 79762-5464
United States
P. O. Box 61728
Midland, Texas 79711 432.563.1278
PBAA Apartment & Rental Housing Legal Seminar
Thursday, March 10, 2022
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (CST)
Grande Hotel & Fundome - Room C
6201 East Business 20Odessa, TX 79762-5464
United States
Event Details
Join us for the PBAA Redbook - Fair Housing Class of 2022. This class is great for everyone in the industry from Vendor Suppliers, Maintenance to Leasing, Managers and, Regionals!!! Make sure you are up-to-date on the latest information.
Course name: Apartment & Rental Housing Legal Seminar
Provider name and number: Texas Apartment Association, 87
**Number of elective hours requested: pending approval by TREC for elective hours*
INSTRUCTOR: Brian Adkins, Senior Counselor with Buchalter
March 10, 2022 - 9am - 3pm
Grande Fundome - Room C
Sharpen your knowledge of your legal rights and responsibilities as a rental housing owner or manager by participating in one of the REDBOOK seminars being offered around the state.
Seminars emphasize changes in management practices required by new laws and updates to key regulatory issues that affect property management.
Full of videos and other tools, the 2022 REDBOOK seminar provides the practical instruction you need to help ensure your team is not only aware of the many regulations governing the rental housing industry but also how best to apply them to your operations.
Register today to learn from the experts and get answers to your questions.
At the 2022 Apartment & Rental Housing Legal Seminars, you will
Learn about key changes to TAA’s Lease and other critical forms
Understand major operational issues, and
Learn how legal and regulatory changes will impact you.
The 2022 REDBOOK Seminar breaks down the leasing cycle and includes the following topics:
-Application Issues, such as credit and screening, criminal history screening, identity fraud and more.
-Lease Issues, including TAA’s new Lease 2.0, community policies and flood disclosure.
-Resident Life & Management Issues, including fair housing, unauthorized occupants, repairs, parking and towing, damages and more.
-Ending the Lease Issues, including the new early termination option under the Lease, notice of non-renewal and more.
-Eviction Issues, including eviction alternatives and a detailed walk-through of the eviction process.
-Physical Plant Issues and Operations, including mold and common issues from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
For More Information:

Midland, Texas 79711 432.563.1278